Sunday, November 16, 2008

About me in 500 words or less

I haven't posted anything in quite awhile, so I feel obligated to post something. So here is something about me in 500 words or less...

California born and raised (by Maternal Grandparents).
Have lived in San Pablo, CA all my life. Catholic School girl...St. Paul Elementary in San Pablo and Presentation High School in Berkeley. Have been working since 16 (but not at the same job). First job was cashier at the Rancho Drive-In theatre in San Pablo part-time. After graduation from High School, I went to Contra Costa College studying Business Administration and Principals of Accounting. Second job was Bookkeeper at Goodyear in Richmond at 19. Later I moved out of the house
. After that, worked at different waitress jobs until I found a good job at UC Berkeley as an Admin Asst in the Chicano Studies Dept. I worked at the Golden Gate Fields/Bay Meadows Race Tracks during the mid 70s at which time I bought my first car...a fiery red 1979 Pontiac TransAm. Although the car is long-gone, the memories of that fantastic machine are as vivid as if I drove it yesterday. Loved that car!

I worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and for the University of California, Office of the President in Oakland in the 90s. I was a DJ in the early 80s at a small club in Albany, CA for awhile and learned how to mix music and drink! I spent most of my life making choices that may not have been the best, but I don't regret having had those life experiences because it made me a stronger and wiser person today. The best thing that ever happened to me was having my daughter, Vivianna in 1987. She has always been there with me, still is, and we share a great friendship as well. She is now 21, and has almost completed her AA degree. I'm a self taught computer geek, and proud of it.
I love custom cars and going to car/bike shows and got into the photography thing at each show. I used my photographic learning curve to take more and more pictures at custom car and bike shows and at the drag races. The more shows I attended, the better my pictures became. I attempted to start an online magazine of local custom cars, but never got it off the ground. I still occasionally attend cars shows and go the NHRA drag races every year. I'm currently employed at a company that refurbishes large Yachts, Ships, Barges, etc. in the Human Resources department. My life is not as exciting anymore, as old age and arthritis has crept in like an unwanted roommate and just won't leave! I spend most of my spare time beading and making my own jewelry as well as making my own greeting cards. I used to occasionally go out dancing on a Saturday night with a former friend Jaylene, but my movement is limited. However, that doesn't stop me from having a good time!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I have been away for awhile because of nothing exciting to write about. Of course, I have been enjoying the fact the my friends and former co-workers have taken me out in observance of my 57 years here on earth. However, now that spring is here, there is plenty to report. I have been stimulated to put together a scrapbook of my life from my modest beginnings in life, my current status in life, and my inevitable end of life, which I hope will not be soon!

I was raised and have lived in the Bay Area all my life. Mostly living in San Pablo, CA. In my search to find out about early San Pablo, an
d the area in which I grew up, I have found that there is not much online to be found. There is plenty about the surrounding city of Richmond, CA, on the internet but not much on good old S.P. I understand that there is/was a book provided by and published by the San Pablo Historical Society, but have not been able to find it as of yet. Therefor, I will be compiling together my own book, in hopes of publishing it some day.

Aside from doing my bio, I spent another lovely Easter/Spring break week in Oakdale, CA, where my lovely hostess, Tina showed me a picture she took shortly before Easter.

For those of you who doubt the existence of the Easter Bunny, or no longer
believe...this will definitely put those doubts to rest. Here is a little something I wrote reminiscent of Charley Brown's friend Linus who believed in the Great Pumpkin:

The Great Easter Bunny gently rises up from the bunny patch
to hide the beautifully colored eggs for all the children
to find
on a nice bright sunny Easter morning!
This is an authentic photograph, not something that was "Photoshopped" or "CG'd" in any way. I believe this is a once in a lifetime shot that will never happen again.
Also while spending time in the beautiful and quiet surroundings of my friend Tina's ranch in Oakdale, I was inspired to write some verse in honor of Spring as follows:

A warm spring day
The sun is bright
The birds a-twitter
With song mid-flight
Flower buds burst forth in bloom
A sea of color viewed from my room
The wind flows gentle
Through tall oak trees
The miracle of pollination
Brought forth by bees.
The site and sound
of croaking frogs
The joy of catching pollywogs
The dragon and the butterflies
The spectacle of Nature enfolds
Before my very eyes!

Friday, February 22, 2008


I'ts Friday. Thanks to having President's Day off, it was a quick and short work week.

Valentine's Day came and went without any big production. I don't have a significant other, therefore I don't get the normal "kissy-kissy" "will this save my ass from being in the dog house" flowers and candy stuff. Which is fine, because not having all that relationship drama is so liberating, to say the least.

However the worst is yet to birthday is next week and I'm turning another year older. In dog years, I'll be 399 yrs old!!! Wow, I've really survived through alot. I've sniffed alot of butts, but still haven't found Mr. Right...uh, excuse me your honor, please strike that last comment from the record due to my client's temporary attack of insanity...and I guess in 3 more years, I'll be considered an honest-to-goodness Senior Citizen at the ripe old age of 60. Pretty soon, I'll have to invite the local Fire Dept. to my birthday parties just in case I can't reach my fire extinguisher in time! Mmmmm, I love the smell of burning cake and wax in the morning.

On another note, I hate all this rain that we've been having. Yeah, I know we need the rain, but I hate having to drive to and from work in it because of all the IDIOTS that are on the road, and DON'T know how to drive in the rain. That's one of the main reasons why I don't commute to work on the freeway anymore and take the scenic route via the "Avenue" and other side streets all the way to work. Too many bad drivers (aka IDIOTS) darting in and out of traffic just to get one or two cars ahead of you, in their mad rush to work. Or the ones that cannot control the vehicle in bad weather and drive 35-40 mps on the freeway. I say either start out earlier so that you're not in such a frantic rush, or take public transportation and give the rest of us who know what we're doing behind the wheel, free reign of the road.
The ones that really get me are the ones in a mad rush to pass you up and then step on the breaks to slow down. What's that about??? Did you suddenly forget your destination? Did your medication suddenly kick in? Or did you have a brain fart and realize that trying to drive 70 mph wastes more gas than if you drive 55? I could go on and on, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, and you all know who you are!
You probably follow the manual on bad driving since you obviously don't have a brain cell of your own with which to make decisions with. Well, despite all the negativity, I'm positively looking forward to going to the WonderCon on Sunday in San Francisco....of course, I'll be taking BART!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Is Xmas really over??

Another precious weekend gone and Monday arrives always too soon. I spent the early part of Saturday taking down my xmas decorations, along with the tree (yes, you read that correctly) and putting everything in their boxes all wrapped up and ready to be sent to storage; ready for next year. Now my apartment looks so gloomy and empty without all the glitz and bling of xmas, I get depessed AFTER chrismas because I have to take everything down. Most people get depressed during the holidays...not me! I get excited because I can go crazy and decorate like there's no tomorrow (I do the same for Halloween) both at home and at work. Well, at least I have something to look foward to; only 350 more days 'till xmas (again)!

On a lighter note, I watched to 50th Grammy awards last night, and I must say I was a bit disappointed. I don't ususally watch the Grammys, but since it was the 50th, I expected a little more pow, bang and zip for it being the 50th and all. Of course the entertainment was good, but I expected something more "out-of-the-box" type of thing. Something more stupendous to out-do all 49 Grammy shows that preceded. Not even a compilation video show of all 50 years put together in one glorious presentation. I guess the writer's strike affected the illustrious Grammys and I was very dissapointed to say the least. Not to mention, that of the "late" artists that were being shown on screen who had gone on to their "greater Grammy award," James Brown was not listed among them! For shame! Between that disappointement, and christmas being gone and over with, I think I'll just curl up and hibernate until winter.

Friday, February 8, 2008

PAYPAL scam?

Well, here's a new one which is legitimate apparently. I was trying to purchase something on ebay the other day, and had to go through PayPal. But before I could complete my transaction I had to log into my PayPal account and had to add a current debit card to my account, which I did. Well, this morning I happened to be checking my bank account online and noticed a one dollar ($1.00) charge by PayPal. When I called to ask what this was for, I was told it was a charge to add a new card to my account. I had never heard of this, and told the person on the other end of the phone, that I have NEVER been charged before. But "he" insisted that that was standard procedure...since when? I have no clue. Now, you say, "she's bitching about $1.00; boo-hoo, to which I say, HELL YEAH, it's my dollar and I want it back. I have gone over their website from stem-to-stern and cannot find anywhere in their fine-print where it says you will be charged for adding, or updating your debit card info. I hope they don't charge for deleting a card, because that's just what I did after I didn't get satisfaction from PayPal. You would think that it would be in the window in plain site while your adding the new card information stating "you're bank account will be charged a service fee of $1.00" to which I would have said, yeah ok, so what...but when you do it surreptitiously, then I'm out for the kill. Their site even says, and I quote "PayPal is FREE." It also indicates the following: "Free: There are no fees when you open an account, and paying with PayPal is always free for buyers." Am I missing something in all of this??? If anyone can show me where it says it in black & white that this charge is legit, then I'll eat that dollar, literally!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I watched some reruns (probably due to the writer's strike) last night, which I just love for one reason or another. The first one being a rerun of "Two and a Half Men" (normally on Monday's @ 9pm PST on CBS) which I'm told is not as popular with viewers as it is purported to be according to the Nielson ratings. There is something about Charlie being himself as a 'man-whore' that's amusing to me, as if I'm watching his home movies (sans Denise Richards). Although, I have to say that Jon Cryer's role as Alan Harper is annoying. The saving grace in the cast is Conchata Ferrell's few and far between apprearances as Berta and Holland Taylor as their supercilious mother (who reminds me alot of my own mother) which can be interpreted to be good or bad! You figure it out....

Then there's The Big Bang Theory . I REALLY love this show. Perhaps because it appeals to the inner nerd in me which assists me in getting all the jokes! If you've never seen an episode, you just have to watch one. Of course, to me, they're hilarious. But you know, one's man's joke is another man's trajedy.

"It's not just humor that flows from the unlikely combination of girls and intelligent men, however: life lessons are learned by the characters and, most importantly, by you, the viewers at home. Leonard and Sheldon discover that there's more to life than numbers and protons, while Penny learns the meaning of math. Television may never be the same."

Most of what I watch on TV is either sitcom or educational. That includes drama shows like CSI, Criminal Minds, Cold Case, L & O SVU, etc. which can be very educational should you wish to off your boss or your noisy annoying neighbors. Crime scene tips abound and hints about what not to do in order to avoid getting caught are given if you pay close attention. Of course, there's always the chance you'll screw up and never commit the perfect crime, so I stick to just watching and fanatizing about how my annoying next door neighbors meets their demise with the help of my weekly shows.

Then I watched a program on another station (the History channel) about USOs: (Unidentified Submerged Objects) which have been numerous off the coast of Catalina Islands in California. Makes one think about looking downward instead of upward to the sky's. Perhaps the aliens are already here and we don't know it because we keep expecting them to appear from the time you take that cruise to Baja, keep an eye peeled!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday!

Across the country, over three million more voters turned out in Democratic primaries than Republican contests -- a trend that persisted even in traditionally conservative states.

Hillary wins Arizona, Arkansas, American Samoa, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, and Tennessee! While Clinton scored a few victories in key coastal states like California, she only broke 60 percent in one state, Arkansas.

Obama not only won more states, but racked up victories over 60 percent in seven states, buoyed in part by organizing prowess in caucus contests. More consequentially, he won independents by large margins in most regions, including states in Clinton's column, such as Arizona and New Jersey, where one out of five primary voters were independents. He won them by 15 points in Clinton's home state of New York, and by 30 points in California. In the swing state of Missouri, independents flocked to Obama by a decisive 37 points, securing his narrow victory there. On Tuesday night, the campaign also seized on the results as evidence that Obama has more national appeal than Clinton. Barack Obama won the most states, including pivotal red territory like Missouri, Georgia and Kansas, while Hillary Clinton ran up large margins in the blue strongholds of California, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

Why am I reposting something on here that is already out there on the web??? For the very fact that I am excited that for the first time in my entire life, since I became eligible to vote at the tender age of 18, that I have actually voted in a primary election. Gasp! (Feel the negativity surround the room as readers are appalled over the fact that I have never voted.) The plain fact of the matter is, that, before this, there has never been anyone, (and I mean ANYONE) on the ballot that I thought was worth voting for. Although, I was a Clinton supporter back in the day, I knew he would win without my vote, so I don't feel guilty about that. I just feel bad that he had to leave office. Say what you will about Mr. Clinton, but we were never at war with anyone and he was a pretty good all around guy...problem is, he was "around" in the wrong places too much! But, like most of us say now, "he was a lover, not a fighter!"

I also have that wonderful feeling of accomplishment, having voted in such a key primary which could very well change the course of human history. Although I voted for Hillary, I won't be upset if she doesn't win, and loses to Mr. Obama. I feel that either one will make for good politics in the White House. I know that most of America is not ready for a female, nor for a minority to run the country...but, come on folks, we need a shot in the arm, and this is not the 60s anymore (thank God-yes I said the word, G-O-D). It's a new era where the "minorities" are no longer a minority...we are the MAJORITY, and white America is fast becoming the new "minority!" So we need someone who is more qualified to represent us in the White House, whether it be an honest-to-goodness educated female (which intimidates the "good-old-white-boy" crowd), or the ever-so-feared (by the same), an educated black man.

Whoever it may be, it will be a damn site better than the "BUSH-it" we've been putting up with for the last 7 years!!! He has been president since 1/20/01 and then he's gone on 1/20/09...too long, and not soon enough!

So come November 2008, you know what I'll be doing...making a difference with my long-awaited vote! The United States presidential election of 2008, scheduled to be held on November 4, 2008, will be the 56th consecutive quadrennial election for president and vice president of the United States. This presidential election schedule coincides with the 2008 Senate elections, House of Representatives elections, and gubernatorial elections, as well as many state and local elections.

If you wish to check the current stats on the "Super" Tuesday voting go to:

Or click here to see the professional qualifications of national candidates.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy New Year?

I know it's already February, but I got a late start on the blog-thing. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I always say. And if you do beat 'em...don't leave any fingerprints behind!

I figured it was time to jump on the "blogging" band-wagon, and start e-journaling everything that's been on my mind since birth. But just for today (Tuesday, February 5th) I'll just wish everyone a great "fat tuesday" or as the commercial masses say "Mardi Gras!"

This is the last day to party for most devout Catholics, since tomorrow is "Ash Wednesday" and the first day of "Lent." TG I'm not such a devout Catholics anymore...too much conflict there...however I do consider myself a good Christian and do unto others before they do unto me...(just kidding). I try to treat everyone as if they were my long lost friend, with love and kindness. It doesn't cost anything to smile at someone, no matter what kind of day you're having. A smile or even a hug could make the difference in someone's just never know! TTFN